$3,400.00 2% OFF
NEW Keystoker 90 Econo Auto Feed Coal Stove– Top Direct Vent
90,000BTU Heats up to 2500sqft
Thermostat Controlled
85# Hopper Burns rice coal
Includes direct vent kit (not pictured). No chimney required, easy venting with 4″ stainless pipe
Pickup in Springwater, NY or contact us for a freight quote!
$3,900.00 3% OFF
NEW Keystoker Koker-Lite Coal Furnace- Top Direct Vent
105,000BTU heats up to 3,000sqft
Thermostat Controlled
200# Hopper burns rice coal
Top mounted direct vent (DV kit not pictured). Does not require a chimney. Easy venting with 4″ stainless pipe.
Pickup in Springwater, NY or contact us for a freight quote!
$4,700.00 2% OFF
NEW Keystoker Koker Coal Furnace– Top Direct Vent
160,000BTU heats up to 4,000sqft
240# hopper
Burns rice coal
Thermostat Controlled
Top Direct Vent (DV Kit not pictured). Allows venting of unit without need for a chimney. 4″ pipe out the side of the house.
Pickup in Springwater, NY or contact us for a freight quote!
$3,000.00 3% OFF
NEW Hitzer 50-93 Gravity Fed Hopper Stove w/ Blower
100,000BTU heats up to 3,000sqft
Burns pea, nut, or stove coal. Can also remove hopper and burn some wood.
Includes 210cfm convection blower. Electricity not required for stove to operate.
6″ rear chimney vent
Pickup in Springwater, NY or contact us for a freight quote!
$2,700.00 0% OFF
NEW Hitzer 30-95 Gravity Fed Hopper Stove w/ Blower
65,000BTU heats up to 1800sqft
6″ rear chimney vent
burns pea or nut coal. Can also burn some wood.
simple thermostat controls
includes 134cfm distribtution blower. Blower is not required to operate stove and it will run without electricity.
Pickup in Springwater, NY or contact us for a freight quote!
$2,500.00 2% OFF
NEW Hitzer 254 Coal Stove w/ Blower
75,000BTU heats up to 2,000sqft
Hand fired- burns pea or nut coal. can burn some wood.
simple thermostat controls
includes 134cfm distribution blower, however stove will operate without blower and without electricity
Pickup in Springwater, NY or contact us for a freight quote!
$2,700.00 2% OFF
NEW Keystoker 90 Econo– Top Chimney Vent
Burns Rice Coal
6″ Top Chimney Vent (direct vent models available)
Can be hooked to duct work in small shop/home or used as a freestanding stove
Pickup in Springwater, NY or contact us for a freight quote!!
$3,099.00 6% OFF
NEW Leisure Line Pioneer Coal Stove– Back Vent
Burns rice coal
Thermostat Controlled
6″ rear chimney vent (direct and power vent kits available)
Comes with full warranty
Pickup in Springwater, NY or contact us for a freight quote!
$3,200.00 2% OFF
NEW Keystoker 90,000BTU Stoker Stove– TTV
100# hopper
Burns Rice or Buckwheat Coal
Thermostat Controlled
6″ Top Chimney Vent (Direct vent models available)
Pickup in Springwater, NY or contact us for a freight quote!
$3,400.00 2% OFF
NEW Keystoker 90,000BTU Stoker Stove
Custom mojave red and honey glo brown paint
Wolf insert in door glass
Burns rice coal
Thermostat Controlled
6″ Top Chimney Vent (direct vent kit available)
Pickup in Springwater, NY or contact us for a freight quote!